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ORFeome Statistics

Number of ORFs attempted to clone in ORFeome version 1: 19,477
Total number of ORFs cloned in ORFeome version 1: 11,984
Number of ORFs cloned in-frame in ORFeome version 1: 10,622
Number of ORFs cloned out-of-frame in ORFeome version 1: 1,361

Number of ORFs attempted to clone in ORFeome version 3: 4,463 (2,939 repredicted + 1,524 new)
Number of ORFs cloned in ORFeome version 3: 2,156
Number of cloned ORFs merged since WS9: 153
Complete number of full-length protein-coding ORFs available in ORFeome version 3.1: 12,625