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Worm ORFeomeVersion 3.1

The C. elegans ORFeome cloning project


C.elegans ORFeome version 3.1: increasing the coverage of ORFeome resources with improved gene predictions.

Lamesch P, Milstein S, Hao T, Rosenberg J, Li N, Sequerra R, Bosak S, Doucette-Stamm L, Vandenhaute J, Hill DE, Vidal M.
Genome Res 2004;14:2064-9
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About the ORFeome project

In addition to the human draft sequence, the complete genome sequences of an increasing number of model organisms are now available. (E. coli and a large number of microorganisms, S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, D. melanogaster and A. thaliana). This sequence information is expected to revolutionize the way biological questions can be addressed. Molecular mechanisms should now be approachable on a more global scale in the context of (nearly) complete sets of genes, rather than by analyzing genes individually. read more...

About RACE project

The C. elegans genome has been fully sequenced, but experimental verification of over a third of the predicted genes remains outstanding. Though ORF predictions are better for the C. elegans genome than for other metazoans, still ORFs for ~8,000 predicted genes remain experimentally unverified in part because of problems with current exon/intron structure predictions. We have undertaken to experimentally define transcript structures of a large portion of these unverified genes by RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends), so far we have carried out 5' and 3' RACE reactions for ~2,000 of the ~8,000 unverified C. elegans protein coding genes, which are included in the searchable database available in this page. read more...